Sampling of Events
The San Francisco Industrial Claims Association is a not-for-profit educational association, instructing the workers' compensation
community on the latest trends and legislation. Watch your mail for our invitational flyers announcing the following classes
and events. Members and claims adminstrators enjoy discounts to events.
"The SFICA's seminars, conferences, quarterly legal updates and monthly lunches have provided me with the tools necessary
to develop my business and maintain proficiency in MEDLink's workers' compensation medical-legal scheduling, management and
training services for its forensic physicians. Equally important are the affiliations and contacts I continue to make through
the ICA with workers' compensation professionals in several areas of specialty. I highly recommend ICA membership to meet
your professional and personal growth needs."
-- Janice Skiljo Haris, President, MEDLink, Past President, ICA
Seminars, Conferences, and Luncheons...
Annual Workers' Compensation Seminar
Find out what is new in the industry, meet your colleagues, and learn from a broad spectrum of experts from various fields
pertaining to workers' compensation. Open to all workers' compensation professionals, this three-day seminar offers a diverse
panel of current topics and qualifies for MCLE continuing education credits.
Annual Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) Seminar
This seminar is for QMEs, potential QMEs, and industrial treating physicians, fulfulling six hours of QME continuing education
credits. Topics vary from rating Permanent Disability (PD) to the successful utilization of review guidlines in billing
of insurance company providers.
Quarterly Legal Updates
Our legal updates provide summaries of relevant Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) decisions, focusing on the most
current and significant topics relating to workers' compensation law.
Monthly Luncheon
This ten-part series is hosted on the last Wednesday of every month. Each lunch focuses on current industry developments and
is a great opportunity to meet and interact with colleagues. Luncheons also count for MCLE continuing education credits.
The San Francisco ICA offers a variety of classes led by industry professionals for both newcomers and veterans. ICA members
and non-members continue their education in MCLE, QME, or BRN accredited courses. Topics vary from basic, introductory
courses to comprehensive discussions on workers' compensation law. Listed on the Classes page are some examples. For a complete
listing, please contact us and request our class catalogue.
...and for fun
Annual Golf Tournament
The San Francisco Industrial Claims Association's very own four-man scramble begins the day on the green and ends the evening
at a noted San Francisco restaurant. Work on your drives and putts, and practice those birdies and eagles for a day
of friendly competition.
Annual Holiday Luncheon Cruise
Join the ICA in December on the beautiful San Francisco Bay for lunch and prizes. Space is limited so please register early.