Interested in joining the San Francisco Industrial Claims Association?
Click the JOIN button below to download a copy of our membership
Please mail a completed copy of the form to:
1517 North Point PMB #486
San Francisco, CA 94123
Regular Membership
Regular membership is limited to Insurance Companies, Self-Insured Employers, Adjusting Agencies, Defense Law Firms and Investigating
Firms. The designated voting member shall be employed by the regular member company as a claims manager, assistant claims
manager, claims supervisor, defense attorney, or manager devoting a majority amount of the time to workers' compensation claims.
Associate Membership
Associate membership may be granted to corporations, partnerships and self-employed individuals, whose activities involve
a substantial connection with the field of workers' compensation. This membership shall include, but not be limited to physicians,
related medical practitioners, and rehabilitation personnel.
Each Applicant or Associate membership must enclose with the
application a check for $300.00 of which $50.00 is the initiation fee and $250.00 for the first annual dues.
In accordance with Article IV, all applications for membership shall be reviewed for qualification by the executive committee.
Memberhip shall be granted only by a unanimous affirmative vote from the membership of the executive committee. To assist
the committee in the determination of qualifications for membership, we require that you set out below the name of the sponsoring
ICA member company.